Let's Go Innovate

Friday, January 30, 2015


Table Talk with Yolanda & Special Guest - STRONG RELATIONSHIPS




You can watch live from Google or YouTube during the show



Janna Pastin

Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker and Worship Leader/Consultant


Terease Baker-Bell

Business Coach, and Account Executive with Microsoft


James Thomas McCraw

Co-Founder Be Men Movement


Anthony Flemons

Advocate, of Manhood and Masculinity through a Biblical leans. #MentorsMatter


3 Powerful Daily Habits the Rich & Succesful Cultivate to Re-engineer their True Calling!

3 Powerful Daily Habits the Successful Cultivate to Re-engineer Their True Calling

What are the 3 Powerful Daily Habits the Successful Cultivate to Re-engineer Their True Calling?
If you have found yourself spinning in endless circles, and you are desperately seeking a way out of your bottomless pit; if you are just looking for viable and practical tips to help you push to your next level, THIS IS FOR YOU!

Princess Fumi Hancock, The Princess of Suburbia Speaks Out of Success Talks about Jeff GoinsPrincess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar-winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU,
a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch
and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!.
Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe.
Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for
successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your
career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radio, and YouTube Channel.

 "Invest in your own life! Be an active participant and not a 'by- stander'. LISTEN NOW!"

Welcome to The 5 Minute Success Blueprint Experience. On today's show, we will explore the 3 Powerful Habits the Rich & Successful Cultivate on a Daily basis, that the Poor-minded Person may be Ignoring! Without these three powerful habits, it is simply impossible to  re-engineer ones' TRUE CALLING.

On this episode:
---Princess Fumi Hancock discusses the acronym: SON
-----What does it mean and what role & impact does SON play in re-connecting / re-aligning with Your True Calling or Life Mission?

LISTEN: http://www.spreaker.com/user/the5minutesuccessblueprint/3-powerful-daily-habits-for-success


S: Surrendering to the Process
Obedience to Your Calling before Clear Direction can Appear
Never Giving Up. There is however more on this.

Listen to this 5 Minute wisdom nugget to gain more clarity and perspective.
One Event Can Change Your Life Forever.
Invest in your own life! Be an active participant and not 'by-stander'. LISTEN NOW.

JOIN THE CHALLENGE: 15 Days to Finding My Dream Makers & Dream Breakers
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MOBILE APP: 5 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast
MY TWITTER: www.twitter.com/successlaunchBP
LISTEN TO 4 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast: HERE

NEED SOME COACHING OR NEED ME AT YOUR NEXT EVENT AS A SPEAKER?  Visit Let’s Go Innovate: launched a 10 Minutes Podcast: Let’s Go Innovate Now!

Until Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, and Most of all Be Authentic.

It’s Your Gal,
Princess Fumi Hancock, RN, Ph.D.
Storyteller, Speaker, Wealth Generation Expert, and a Dream weaver


Original post at; Yourinneryou.com (c)copyright 2015~Princess Fumi Hancock: The Princess of Suburbia(R)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Part 2: When Mental illness Rocks Your World~Princess Fumi Tete-a-tete “Real Talk” with a Minister continues...

Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar-winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radio, and YouTube Channel.

Hello Friends & Family,

My weeks of gratitude continues this week with a continuation of the candid interview I had with a minute friend, Reverend Mary Leonard, (founder and President of Overcoming Faith Ministries, New Jersey). I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who reached out to me, that this blog has been a blessing to them. It is incredible to see the number of people whose lives have been touched with mental illness.

For success to take root in our lives, we also have to pay attention to our mental wellness. So, regardless of the life goal we may have, if this part of our lives are lacking...i.e. if we are living an unhealthy lifestyle, if mental illness is going unaddressed, the foundation for success in other areas of our lives is shaky.

                                      If you missed part 1, PLEASE CLICK HERE

This week, I continue wearing my clinical hat as a Mental Health Expert and share with you the part 2 (2 of 3 part series) I promised the last week. This few minutes of your life could change things for you. A reader who reached out to me after reading this article on linked in reminded me of the importance of education in understanding and gaining more awareness:
                    "It is still amazing to me what a negative stigma that mental illness has in our country. My Mom was diagnosed with Bi-polar disease when she was 40 y/o and I was in the 8th grade. It was a very confusing time because no one knew anything about it nor wanted to really talk about it. Research and education are key to not letting it get "swept under the rug" so thank you for taking the time to address it with your audience" - SH.

So here is my ask again:
Love yourself enough to read this blog, then watch the video presentation. If you won’t even invest time in yourself; then chances are SUCCESS may be difficult to achieve.

Dream Makers are great investors in themselves and that of others.

                                             If you missed part 1, PLEASE CLICK HERE

                          Princess Fumi Hancock, the Princess of Suburbia talks to a Minister, Mary Leonard about living with Mental Illness

In this video (part 2 of 3), I speak with Reverend Mary Leonard, (founder and President of Overcoming Faith Ministries, New Jersey) a very dear friend of mine. I have known Minister Leonard for over 13 years and not once did we talk about her plight taking care of her brother who has Schizophrenia.  If you missed part 1, PLEASE CLICK HERE

On her visit to Nashville, TN recently, we happen to touch up on that and she was willing to share her journey in the hopes that it will help someone out there. Keep reading… don’t stop now… it will change your life.…Listen!

Welcome to The Princess in Suburbia Lifestyle Show hosted by the very own Southern Warrior Sister, and President of Let’s Go Innovate, Princess Fumi Hancock. This is a place where we ignite dreams and harness vision.

           The Princess in Suburbia Lifestyle TV Show presented by the Princess of SUburbia, Princess Fumi hancock

What better way than to let Reverend Mary Leonard use her own words to share her own story. The presentation you are about to view is about 8 minutes long! This event can truly change your life, even if you don’t currently have anyone in your family. If you missed part 1, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

      The Princess in Suburbia Lifestyle TV Show presented by the Princess of SUburbia, Princess Fumi hancock

She continues her discussion?
(1). What it means to be living with a person with Schizophrenia or other mental illness?
(2). The steps you must take to help that person and to help oneself during this time
(3). What did Mary do when she finally found herself as the custodian to her older brother, after the primary caretaker, their mother passed?
(4). And Lots more….
Please join me next Week Wednesday, the “Warrior Wednesday” when I will be sharing part 2 in this series…. It get’s even better. You don’t want to miss it.

JOIN THE CHALLENGE: 15 Days to Finding My Dream Makers & Dream Breakers
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MOBILE APP: 5 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast
LISTEN TO 4 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast: HERE
NEED SOME COACHING OR NEED ME AT YOUR NEXT EVENT AS A SPEAKER?  Visit Let’s Go Innovate: launched a 10 Minutes Podcast: Let’s Go Innovate Now!

Until Next Time,

Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, and Most of all Be Authentic.

It’s Your Gal,
Princess Fumi Hancock, RN, Ph.D.
Storyteller, Speaker, Wealth Generation Expert, and a Dream weaver


More News:
Do You Have Any Questions for Princess Fumi Hancock and /or Minister Mary Leonard? Ask Away. CLICK HERE

Original Posting at: Your Inner You Blog
(C) Copyright 2015~ Princess Fumi Hancock~ The Princess of Suburbia(R)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

5 Successful Ways to Finish Strong with Yolanda & Princess Fumi

In their own comedic way, Let's Go Innovate Now Principals, Yolanda
Shields and Princess Fumi Hancock tackles the 5 Successful Ways to
Finish Strong. Acronym for the week is "FOCUS".

5 Successful Ways to Finish Strong with Yolanda & Princess Fumi


You can follow them on Twitter Facebook LGI 


Friday, January 23, 2015

A “Must Read” Life Lesson I learned from Jeff Goins’~The Art of Work by African Oscar Winning Screenwriter- Princess Fumi Hancock

What is the Pivotal “Must Read: Life Lesson I learned by reading  Jeff Goins’ latest Hit Book: The Art of Work?
~Award Winning Storyteller: Princess Fumi Hancock

Is this truly a Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant To Do?
“So what separates a season of failure from a lifetime of failure?”- Jeff Goins: The Art of Work. Keep Reading!
The Art of Work by Jeff Goins' an awesome read 
Princess Fumi S. Hancock, RN, DNP
Bestselling Author, African Oscar Screenwriter, & Indiefest Film Merit Award Winner Reads  The Art of Work

Just Imagine: One Event Can Change Your Life Forever!

Hello Friends,
“One Event Can Change Your Life Forever” is a phrase many of my readers have heard me use often enough. I am an advocate for finding one pivotal event in our lives which can become a transformation catalyst.

My Social Proof:
Learn Why What I Share About this Book Matters!
Well, you may be wondering why a 5x times Bestselling Author, African Oscar Winning Screenwriter, and an Indiefest Film Award Filmmaker for Of Sentimental Value is so excited about The Art of Work by Jeff Goins.
For those who are not yet familiar with my work, my bestselling novel, Of Sentimental Value (which is currently on the amazon bestseller’s list and have been for months!) was made into a feature film (a taste of the Nashville, TN VIP Pre-screening:: Royalty Meets Hollywood in Nashville TN~http://youtu.be/s0LlaKZyI7Y); LA Pre-screening was not bad either:  http://youtu.be/D4HlAjuwJEE) to be released this year and just got a 7 year world-wide distribution deal with Green Apple Entertainment. The reviews have been awesome with an incredible Dove Foundation seal of approval! Woot! Woot!

Need More Social Proof?

Check out my African Oscar Nominated TV Show: http://www.princessinsuburbia.com

The Truth

The truth is regardless of how much success you have or not have, YOU NEVER STOP LEARNING. Just few months ago, I came across a writing course called Intentional Blog. Oh wow! Not too many things in life amaze or amuse me, but Jeff Goins’ integrity radiates through all of his videos and the meetings we had during the course.  I am yet to complete the class but have implemented so much of what I have learned already and on my way to yet another height of success– THIS TIME in the blogging world.

My Discovery:

I discovered I had been blogging the wrong way! I gained clarity with my message. Most of all, this has transcended into other parts of my writing career (authorship & screenwriting).

Isn’t that what Jeff Goins’ New Hit book is about?
A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant To Do.

A Life Lesson I garnered from the book
~ that I would love to share with you all today: Page 123 of the Book. but wait to follow~ you’d have to pick up your own copy: CLICK HERE

                                                    The Art of Work by Jeff Goins Rocks

Okay, welcome back. Now that you have picked up your own copy, let’s go over to Page 123:
Jeff Goins asks: “So what separates a season of failure from a lifetime of failure?”
He writes: “First, you must be willing to recognize hardship as an opportunity to learn, willing yourself to push through failure. Secondly, you must be careful not to succeed at the wrong things! Pay attention to passion and beware of temptation of success.”

you will have to purchase the book to enjoy the other wisdom nuggets hidden in every page of the book.

This book has been an incredibly eye-opening adventure. I am not done with it but wanted to share parts which are incredibly useful to me.

I do not endorse many but TODAY, I wholeheartedly endorse JEFF GOINS’~ The Art of Work
Jeff Goins has inspired me to continue this discussion on my 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast. The book is truly a success blueprint for everyday living. Be in the look out for it shortly. In the meantime, do download your app: HERE

Until Next Time,

Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Authentic, and Be Of Sentimental Value
Princess Fumi Hancock, The Princess of Suburbia Speaks Out of Success Talks about Jeff Goins
Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar-winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Twitter 2, Facebook,/ Facebook 2, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radioand Youtube Channel.

Success Blueprint for YOUR INNER YOU: HERE
Tips, Tricks, and Tools to Re-engineering Your Life , without Going Broke!

Original Article f(c) Copyright Princess Fumi Hancock-
A Success Blueprint for Your Inner You

Thursday, January 22, 2015


FORWARD - http://youtu.be/zlsH2A4MTE0 Christina Sheer W Nicole Donaldson Iris Conley Nance

Contact Iris Nance at . http://www.farmersagent.com/inance https://www.facebook.com/iriscnanceins

Contact Christina Sheer - www.ITSaSHEERthing.com.

Contact Nicole Donaldson Family Fit Mom - http://teamthruus.com/

Contact Yolanda Shields CEO of Let's Go Innovate www.letsgoinnovatenow.com Email innovationgurus@letsgoinnovate.com

FOLLOW YOLANDA - Twitter Facebook Instagram Youtube LGI

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Making the Right Connections

The value of building Connections with others that are built on respect, loyalty and trust cannot be underestimated. The highest quality relationships are those built on love and respect.  The Right Connection is not necessarily about your agenda or things that you have in mind or are hoping will happen because of the relationship or connection.  With a divine connection you don’t have to make it happen it is very natural.  Also know when you are supposed to connect them with someone else. Sometimes you are only meeting them, but you are their connection to someone else that is apart of their Destiny. 
The Bible is full of illustrations concerning ‘divine connections.’  David could not possess his kingdom with Jonathan… there would be no Boaz for Ruth without Naomi… Nehemiah accomplished in 52 days what Israel could not accomplish in years because of his positive relationships with the king of Persia, and his ability to find loyalty and trust among the people of Jerusalem.
What constitutes a ‘right connection?’ A relationship that creates a positive contribution to your life, offers nourishment to your mental, emotional, physical or spiritual well-being, and/or supports a God-given goal, mission or vision is a ‘Right Connection.’ This kind of relationship is often complementary, offering all parties involved the opportunity to ‘share their weaknesses,’ strengths with each other, and help each other fulfill their callings. 
How do you make a right Connection?   The highest quality Relationships are built out of mutual respect and unconditional love.  The greatest commandment, given in Matthew 22:37-39, tells us: “Jesus said unto him, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, and with all they mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”  Right connections are the fruit of having unconditional love. But you cannot love others until you love yourself, and you cannot truly love yourself until you know God’s love -- by acknowledging His love for you!
Remember: connection with God releases His love in and through you -- and enables you to make the Right Connections with others that will bring forth blessings in your life and those that God connects you with!

Monday, January 19, 2015

11 Incredible Qualities of a Difference Maker: MLK’s Life Showcased

Discussion on the life of matin Luther King, the heroic habits with Princess Fumi hancock 
Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let's Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radio, and Youtube Channel
11 Incredible Qualities of a Difference Maker: MLK's Life Showcased       Martin-Luther-King-The-King-Years

As we celebrate the Martin Luther King's day
, I cannot help but be in awe at all of the accomplishments he made during his life time. Many often think being a difference maker is luxurious or glamorous. Well, if you have been a difference maker at some capacity, you will know it is in fact the opposite.
 10 Facts You Dont know about martin Lutehr King

A Little background on Martin Luther King: Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) was a civil rights leader, 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Baptist minister but most of all, he was an husband of a father.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

4 Key Habits of an Innovative Thinker with Yolanda & Princess Fumi

In our usual comedic tone we tackled the 4 habits that “OUTS” an innovative thinker ~ Some nuggets of truth and wisdom in this 9 min Podcast ~ www.letsgoinnovatenow.com

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6 DAILY Proclamations to Ignite Your Inner Rock Star!

6 Daily Proclamations to Ignite Your Inner Rock Star!

Princess Fumi Hancock, The Princess of Suburbia Speaks Out of Success

Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radio, and Youtube Channel

6 Daily Proclamations to Ignite Your Inner Rock Star

Hello Friends and Fellow Tribers:
If you like and value these proclamations, would you do me the honors by sharing it with others? Would you subscribe to the tribe: at www.yourinneryou.com? Would you like the page and get involved at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Success-Launch-Blueprint/1548646878707183; Would you tweet about us or better yet follow us at:

The 5 Minute Success Blueprint is now available to be downloaded on google app stores or check out your app store. Please take time to download. A little wisdom nugget goes a long way to making the right decision as we live our lives.
Until next time,

Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be of Sentimental Value
Princess Fumi Hancock
Writer, Speaker, Transformation Catalyst, & Dreamweaver


Many have a clear idea where they want to go in 2015, but not many have a plan or know what completion or success looks like.  When we don’t see the fruit of our labor quickly we give up and move on to something new.  What you are doing is missing out on the opportunity to do something GREAT!  Have you identified what success or completion will look like?  Don’t move on to another assignment or task without completing the one you started.  We are all guilty of this.  Sometimes it is because it gets hard, progress is slow, boredom, lack of focus, and distractions from DREAM THEIVES. Dream Thieves talk you out of focusing on your goals and dreams because they don’t believe in them or they want them for themselves.  Be careful who you allow to be in your circle. 

A few tips to focus on in order to see 



1. Seize the moment to act on your goals. Given how busy most of us are, and the many goals we are juggling, it’s not surprising that we miss opportunities to act on a goal.  This is due to failing to notice them. Did you really have no time to work on your dream today? Achieving your goal means grabbing hold of all opportunities before they pass you by. 
2. Know exactly how far you have left to go. Achieving any goal also requires honest and regular monitoring of your progress. Have a time weekly to review how far you have to go. This is based on your outcome.  This could be the amount of money you want to make (financial goal), number of writing assignments completed, or increased customer base.  You determine what that outcome is.  
3. Have grit. Grit is a willingness to commit to long-term goals, and to persist in the face of difficulty.  When it gets hard you don’t give up and start another project. PUSH THROUGH WHEN IT’S HARD!

       4. Commit to a process, not a goal.  Choosing a goal puts a huge burden on your shoulders. Can you imagine if I had made it my goal to write 5 books this year? Just writing that sentence stresses me out.  We place unnecessary stress on ourselves especially during the New Year. Make sure you have realistic goals and expectation based on your skills, abilities, and resources.  

5.         Get a Coach or support system.  Everyone needs a coach or support system to cheer him or her on.  Don’t be a Lone-Ranger because you will just frustrate yourself and have a difficult time being successful.  Talk to any successful businessperson, athlete, student, and entertainer and they will give you a list of people that helped them.  

If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Frederick Douglass

Stay Focused on your project or business so that you can see the fruit of your labor! Yolanda Conley Shields 

FOLLOW YOLANDA - Twitter Facebook Instagram Youtube LGI