Let's Go Innovate

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Warrior Wednesday: "Warriors Never Give Up!" ~ Inspired by a Sister's Walk across the Selma Bridge

"Are you a Warrior? Then You Never Give Up!"

Have you ever woken up and felt like a ton of bricks weighing on your chest? Perhaps, you are in a season now where it just seems like all your effort are amounting to nothing and you feel completely overwhelmed and you sometimes wished you could just lay in bed and not get up, hoping your worries will go away with your catatonic self~

Well, NEVER GIVE UP was the phrase at the Selma Walk this past week. And thanks to my Southern Warrior Sister~ Maxine Donaldson Holt who wrote a piece on her personal experience walking across the bridge, we are able to feel the spirit of that day. "NEVER GIVE UP!" What a simple phrase yet powerful in nature if we allow it to soak into our being.

Hello family, IT IS WARRIOR WEDNESDAY and this is your sister welcoming you to yet another
blog episode.

I spent few minutes just reading and re-reading the words of my Southern warrior sister, Maxine and I was inspired to pay it all forward with this piece. This picture is certainly more than any preacher could have said. If you are in a situation right now where many things are not adding up for you...
If you are feeling a tad-bit depressed; if you are anxious, stuck, and desperately looking to find meaning in what you are doing or not doing, here is my word for you today: NEVER GIVE UP~ YOU ARE ON A BRINK OF YOUR MIRACLE. I feel like I am equally talking to myself.

"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." ~ David Frost

While many would have us think that they have arrived and they are perfect and have ALL the answers to ALL the ailments in the world; while some live unorthodox and non-authentic lives, dying on the inside while on the outside, they put up a front... as a Southern Warrior Sister, I DO DECLARE THAT I AM A WORK IN PROGRESS. And yes, with all of the successes I may be enjoying... thank God for them... I SUBMIT DAILY AT GOD'S THRONE:


(1). asking for guidance...
(2). listening to hear directions...
(3). accepting his children around me...
(4). understanding that He can use anyone to speak to me...
(5). being obedient when I do hear...
(6). show love and kindness to others around me.
(7). constantly asking my sisters to cover me with prayers because I know that is what it will take to accomplish all that He has for me to accomplish.
(8).I understand that my journey is not all about me but about God using it to bless others. I must therefore live a selfless live , one which is void of JEALOUSY, PRIDE, ARROGANCE, LIES... all fruits which will yield absolutely no good seed in my life.


So if you find yourself not being able to wish others well, if you find yourself being jealous of others and you cannot celebrate others, if you are at a place where all you see is YOU and you cannot even recognize that GOD is already working around you and all you need do is JOIN in what He is doing, if you cannot see beyond your pain, your wants, and refuse to understand that the love you seek is already around you... if you are unable to rejoice with others, I URGE YOU TO TAKE FEW MINUTES to meditate...
Ask the Creator to grant you the clarity to see what He is doing around you. SUPPORT OTHERS in THEIR SEASON and when your time comes, there will be a parade of people to support you too. Get rid of JEALOUSY & SELF-LOATHING.


You are next in line for a miracle.

Until Next Time,

Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, and Be Authentic
Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, RN, DNP
Nurse-Writer, Speaker, Transformation Expert

Exciting Update(s):
A Popular Online Lifestyle Talk Show, The Princess in Suburbia goes mainstream APRIL 1st, 2015. Watch the Southern Warrior Sisters as they co-host segments of the show. Let's Go Innovate will also be featured. For information on airtime and markets, click here.

Princess Fumi & Her Southern Warrior Sister Talk Radio
(Regularly aired at 9 AM CST/ 10 AM ET )on Saturdays is scheduled to be part of the Nashville Broadcasting Radio.FM. Details coming. For our upcoming show, PLEASE ENTER. Want more on Warrior Wednesday?

(c) copyright 2015 Original post~ Your Inner You / Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock

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